Classifieds in Calamba city, Calabarzon
- 2K Cars
- 2K Car parts
- 3K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Clothes
- 4K Garden & House
- 880 Furniture
- 2K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 5K Computers and Parts
- 3K TV games & PC games
- 816 Movies & Music
- 886 Photo & Cameras
- 3K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 728 Books
- 3K Pets and Animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 535 Watches & Jewelry
- 2K Music instruments
- 4K Sport
PHP 19,500
Electrolux 8.1CU FT NUTRIFRESH 2-DOOR INVERTER Refrigerator
In case you're looking for a 2-door Inverter Refrigerator for your new apartment or condo.
Electrolux 8.1 CU FT
PHP 350
Assorted Marvel and DC cards
1994 Series - Assorted Marvel and DC cards
excellent condition, no damage
35 pcs.
P350. fixed price.
We accept...
PHP 100
keyboard heavyduty piso net computer shop for sale or swap
6pcs keyboard heavyduty piso net computer shop for sale or swap
good condition color silver
500 take all...
PHP 8,500
metal trash bindumpsterrolling bin
metal trash bin-foot pedal-open top-waste segregation trash can
powder coated bins
can be order by pc or for waste...
PHP 600
Travel Bag Sports bag different design Php 600 per item
Travel bag/sports bag 4 different designs (Php600 per item) slightly used
Please refer to photo for description and...
PHP 4,850
White dining set
2nd hand
White dining set
1 round table
5 dining chair
Stackable chair
See photo for full description
Pick up at...
PHP 1,399
Led headlight foglight h11
S2 led h11
For foglight or headlight
16k lumens
36w/6000k/8000lm per bulb
Fan cooled
Plug and play
Water resistant
PHP 7,500
Glock 19 Gen4 kit
It came from my G19 Gen4 and will sell it as "Package Sale Only"
-Complete Trigger Assembly
* Trigger w/ Trigger Bar...
PHP 6,000
window type air con ac SANYO cheap price
cheap sanyo window type air con ac (repriced from7k down to 6k)
rfs: need cash asap
note ndi kopo alm if 1.5 hp or 2....
PHP 8,500
Astronomical Telescope binocular
Astronomical reflector Telescope (japan)
Brand : Carton
Type : Reflector Telescope
Objective lense :D-=114mm
PHP 1,500
Air Pump 240V COLEMAN
COLEMAN Air pump 240V for air mattresses and recreational inflatables
Meet up: iMall Canlubang
PHP 750
tennis racquet with 1 set of dunlop tennis balls
Prince tennis racquet and 1-set of Dunlop brand tennis ball. Good for beginners.
PHP 150
HDMI to VGA cable Display Port DVI Cable HDMI to RCA VGA to RCA
HDMI male to 3 RCA - ₱200
HDMI male to 5 RCA - ₱300
VGA to RCA- ₱200
DVi Cable - ₱ 150
DVi to VGa Adapter ₱...
PHP 428,000
EPSON Large Format 44 Sublimation Printer not Mimaki Mutoh Roland HP
Model: SureColor SC-F6270
The SureColor F-series delivers amazing performance at affordable running costs....
PHP 600
side mirror and Grip
For sale:
Motorcycle And Accessories
2nd hand... use but not abuse
side mirror: 99% smooth no issue
Hand Grip: 85%...
Ramshorn snail
Ramshorn snails
Php 5 small
Php 10 medium
-Nglilinis ng lumot ng aquarium
-Pwede ipakain sa mga big fish
PHP 1,500
amd athlon 64 x2 4400 2.3ghz
Last price. Fix price. Wala ng bawas
Amd athlon 64 x2 4400 2.3ghz
Ecs am2 motherboard
2gb ddr2 memory
Geforce 6150...
PHP 500
Starbucks Planner 2018
FOR Updated LIST OF ITEMS PLEASE CHECK my C.A-ROU-SeL.L page : misispinay
All Brand new and unused.
Sizes &...
PHP 1,500
Climbing Rope and Flexiblades
Rope: Imported from Japan
Unused (new)
With plastic container
Flexiblades for Physcial Fitness
Qty: 2
In mint...
PHP 900
trash bin manufacturer
all kinds of plastic trash bin.
also available
stainless trash bin-foot pedal-open top-waste segregation trash can...
PHP 25,000
Beautiful Makinis 8 seater NARRA Dining Table
Rfs: De clutter
Sobra lang na gamit
Slightly used.
Pwede tumawad but be reasonable.
Walang damage...
PHP 6,999
Poodle female
Toy pPhilippineslisted in size
Dob march 25 2018
2x 5n1
3x deworm
Diet pet chef, cerelac
Lc vit
PHP 7,500
Ibanez Electric Guitar for Sale
I am selling my pre-loved Ibañez Electric Guitar. I bought this from Audiophile Filinvest Alabang so this is legit....
PHP 9,800
Kcs222 videoke set
What’s in the box
1 PAIR of Speaker 8"Amplifier 300w x2Wired MicrophoneWiresManualWarranty Card
PHP 750
Golf bag blue with cover defective zipper
Golf bag blue with cover (defective zipper)
Location: Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna
Meet up: iMall Canlubang
PHP 3,999
Persian semi flat face
Dob: march 01, 2018
Vitamins lcvit
Milk nestogen
Diet speciacat and whiskas wet food
Bath and litter...
PHP 140,000
Bnew Hiace Commuter Low DP All In 140k
Hiace Commuter DSL MT 3.0 2018
SRP: 1,373,000
15% DOWNPAYMENT :140,000
MONTHLY FOR 5YRS:28,780...
PHP 1,000
Samsung External DVD Read-Writer
Calling all netbook owners, computer owners and laptop with no DVD driver owners!
Selling Samsung External DVD reader...
PHP 264,000
2002 model Honda crv Automatic transmission
For sale
264k slighlty negotiable upon viewing
2002 model
Honda crv
Automatic transmission
Good engine
PHP 1,200
Crochet moana costume for baby
Made to order crochet minion costume for pictorial outfit, 100% handmade, for more design please visit my fb page...
PHP 500
Jollibee and Friends Huggable Neck Pillows
Huggable and Lovable Neck Pillows for your Kids or your car.
all FOUR (except Hetty) for just 500 pesos.
PHP 1,000
Car Emblem Lions and Rotary Club
All-metal emblems. 1000 for stick-on emblem (Lions and Rotary), 1800 for front grille screw-type (Lions only). For...
PHP 1,399
Led headlight foglight h11
S2 led h11
For foglight or headlight
16k lumens
36w/6000k/8000lm per bulb
Fan cooled
Plug and play
Water resistant
PHP 870,000
Epson F2000 Direct to Garment DTG Printer not Sawgrass Brother
Epson’s SureColor SC-F2000 features the latest in digital t-shirt printing technology, making garment printing more...