Classifieds in Calamba city, Calabarzon
- 2K Cars
- 2K Car parts
- 3K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Clothes
- 4K Garden & House
- 880 Furniture
- 2K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 5K Computers and Parts
- 3K TV games & PC games
- 816 Movies & Music
- 886 Photo & Cameras
- 3K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 728 Books
- 3K Pets and Animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 535 Watches & Jewelry
- 2K Music instruments
- 4K Sport
PHP 3,500
Deep Dish VIOS GEN 3 Matting
Call or text for inquiry - 09069708448
Tilapia black plapla batangas breed
Plapla tilapia maitim pag lumaki at mabilis lumaki madamihan o kauntintian pwede po sa akin adjustable ang price...
PHP 350
Stone Temple Pilots Core CD
Stone Temple Pilots - Core CD
good condition
we accept shipping only
thank you
PHP 2,800
Mitsubishi Mirage Matting
Call or text for inquiry - 09069708448
PHP 710,000
Hyundai Grand Starex Crdi Gold
Automatic Transmission
Dual Airbag
All power (window, central lock)
PHP 1,500
foldable scooter
foldable scooter
- for kids ang ADULTS also
- matibay
- bought in italy
- 1500 nlng
meet up: calamba area only
PHP 300
Shaun Cassidy LP Vinyl plus
Shaun Cassidy- That's Rock 'n' Roll
Php 300
Other album price ranges from Php 150 up
PHP 800
Need for speed games PsVita
The price is fix
Sure buyer only
Just txt me for faster transaction
PHP 368,000
Mitsubishi fuzion 2010 mdl AT
Complete papers or cr
Atomatic transmission
All power window steering mirror
4 new tire bridgestone
Cool Aircon...
PHP 840,000
2014 isuzu dmax new body
contact #09154706606 09154706606
LS dmax 2014
new body
owner seller
17 inch isuzu mags
4 new tire brigdestone dueller...
PHP 2,000
Barcode scanner
selling my barcode scanner. slightly used.
text me for faster transaction
complete with box
meetups at calamba, sta...
PHP 1,000
Crochet costumes
Made to order crochet costume for babies, for photo shoot pictorial, 100%handmade
For inquiries pm, viber , or visit...
PHP 1,000
LED VU Meter
LED VU meter for your amplifer
Adjustable modes, 7 to 12 volts supply
2-channel (stereo)
All brand new, on stock.
PHP 1,350
LED headlights H4 HB3 HB4 On stock
Very bright LED headlights 8000 lumens per bulb. Chip-on-Board LED High/Low beam, 9-32V, IP65 water/dust proof,...
PHP 2,500
2 Superman Laser Disc
2 Superman Laser Disc
Php 2500
For pick up only
Calamba City Laguna
Pls check my fb fan page chellestore for more
PHP 2,000
Mio i 125 Stock Mags
For Sale Yamaha Mio i 125 Stock Mags
1Week used Only
Calamba Laguna Area
Pickup or Meetup Calamba Only
PHP 99,999
Springer fork
Repro Springer fork. Made in Japan & US V-twin brand. For inquiries and more details just call me or send a message....
PHP 1,800
Air Max Stutter 2
> Used
> Original
> 8/10 Cosmetics
> Basketball shoes
> Size 10 US
> Calamba area
PHP 2,000
Round 1 Pearl Red Bowling Ball
Round 1 Pearl Red Bowling Ball
used 4 kgs / 8.8 lbs Php2000
Send pm for weight range inquiry
many more items not yet...
PHP 300
Shaun Cassidy LP Vinyl plus
Shaun Cassidy- That's Rock 'n' Roll
Php 300
Other album price ranges from Php 150 up
PHP 10,500
Xbox360 console
Xbox360 console
With kinect
2 controller
16 games included
Gagamitin nalang wala nakayong bibilhin
Hdmi ok audio...
PHP 6,500
racing seat
Unbranded Reclineable Racing Seat
No issues
1 pc only
No railings
RFS: Napagalitan ni misis, lalagay dapat...
PHP 500
Starbucks Planner 2018
FOR Updated LIST OF ITEMS PLEASE CHECK my C.A-ROU-SeL.L page : misispinay
All Brand new and unused.
Sizes &...
PHP 1,000
Lions Club car emblem
Brand new. 1000 for stick-on for trunk, 1800 for screw-type for front grille. Available in gold and silver. Metal...
PHP 500
Harry Potter Costume Gryffindor For Rent
Robe - 500 pesos (rental fee) + 500 (deposit fee)
Necktie - 100 pesos (rental fee) + 100 (deposit fee)
PHP 72,000
93mdl Lancer Hotdog Glxi
Sale or Swap
Lancer GLXi
All power
Manual Tranny
16valve EFi engine
Very good condition
PasoRehistro,may Aircon...
PHP 75,000
For sale or open for swap to susuki rider 150
Complete and updated rigestration papers till feb. deed of sale.w/alarm aircon.all...
PHP 1,700
Skateboard 31 x 775 inches Brand New Shrinkwrapped
(Repriced 5/7/18) Presyong balik puhunan!
Brand New Complete set
31'' x 7.75" "
9 ply Maple board
PU wheels 54mm x 34...
PHP 4,000
tires for sale
For sale Bridgestone ecopia tires 195 60 r15 2pcs-95% 2pcs-75%
Production date 2016, P4,000 fixed...
PHP 5,000
Xbox 360 calamba laguna area
Xbox 360 may kasamang controler at tatlong bala just txt me for more information
Aisin Fully Synthetic Motor Oil 1 Liter
Japan High performance, Multi-Grade passenger car motor oil for Gasoline/Diesel.
Price per Liter: 420 (meetups)...